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Tugas Softskill B.Inggris

The term ‘market’, as used by economists, is an extension of the ancient idea of a market as a place where people gather to buy and sell goods. In former days part of a town was kept as the market or marketplace, and people would travel many kilometers on special market days in order to buy and sell various commodities. Today, however, markets such as the world sugar market, the gold market and the cotton market do not need to have any fixied geographical location. Such a market is simply a set of conditions permitting buyers and sellers to work together.           In a free market, competition takes place among sellers of the same commodity, and among those who wish to buy that commodity. Such competition, influences the prices prevailing in the market. Prices inevitably fluctuate, and such fluctuations are also affected by current supply and demand.           Whenever people who are willing to sell a commodity contact people who are willing to buy it, a market for that commodity

Affirmative and Negative Agreement (New)

Affirmative Agreement ■To make the sentence becomes easier to read or eliminate the repetition of words in a sentence, could use the word "so" and "too". There are differences in the construction of a sentence typed using that words. If only there "to be" in the main clause, than the same tenses of "to be" used in the second clause.  Affirmative statement (to be) + and + - Too = Subject + to be + too. - So   = So + to be + Subject. ■For example :  1) I'm thirsty=I'm thirsty, and you are too.      You are thirsty=I'm thirsty, and so are you.  2) X : I'm thirsty.       Y : I'm thirsty too.       Y : So am I.       Y : I am too. Negative Agreement ■"Either" and "Neither" has the same function as the word "too" and "so" in the second clause in the affirmative sentence/agreement. The word is used to indicate a negative sentence/agreement. The same rule applie

Tugas Softskill B.Inggris (new)

Direct Speech&Indirect Speech Direct Speech Direct speech is a sentence by someone directly without changing the words. Direct speech is covered by question marks (" "). Indirect Speech Indirect speech is the sentence delivery from what someone said, but the words changes without changing the meaning of the sentences. Tugas Kelompok B.Inggris Question : 1) I'm going out this evening. 2) I can speak a little French. Answer : 1) A said that she/he was going out this evening. 2) A said that she/he could have speak a little French. Nama Kelompok B.Inggris : - Adinda Chairunnisa - Anindita Ayu Sukma - Fadhila Fitria - Fitria Andiyani - Intan Widyawati

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct speech is a sentence by someone directly without changing the words. For example : •Dhifi : I get some money from my Dad. •Aira : I'm going to Bali six monhts ago. Indirect speech is the sentence delivery from what someone said, but the words changes without changing the meaning of the sentences. For example : •Dhifi said that she got some money from her Dad. •Aira said that she was going to Bali six months ago.

Fashion Hijab di Era Globalisasi

FASHION HIJAB DALAM ERA GLOBALISASI PENDAHULUAN                                       A. L atar Belakang      Dari generasi ke generasi kita telah mengetahui bahwa sudah banyak yang menggunakan busana muslim, dimana sudah mengikuti era zaman. Maka dari itu, sudah pula banyak wanita muslim yang mengembangkan busana tersebut salah satunya hijab. Ada pula wanita-wanita yang memberikan intruksi ataupun tutorial untuk berhijab melalui media masa. Berbagai model hijab telah ada di era modern ini. Perlu kalian ketahui, bahwa model hijab yang di intruksikan banyak diterima di kalangan masyarakat terutama wanita muslim dan sekarang sudah menjadi busana yang mengikuti zaman. Jadi , perlu diketahui bahwa   busana muslim bukanlah selalu yang berbau keagamaan, tetapi busana muslim juga mampu mengikuti globalisasi.      Jilbab telah lama dikenal sebelum datangnya Islam, pada kalangan bangsa Ibrani yang dibangun oleh nabi Ibrahim AS juga telah mengenal adanya jilbab. Sejalan d